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8 December 2021 - 10 December 2021
Aalborg, Denmark
VikingDays 2021

Enterprise Europe Network Denmark
welcomes you to VikingDays 2021!

Inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted 1:1 meetings resulting in knowledge gain and new network contacts.

Viking Days is an annual networking & matchmaking event for Enterprise Europe Network consortia from the Nordic countries as well as associated countries. This year, the event takes place in Aalborg, Denmark on 8-10 December 2021. 

The main idea of this event is to reconnect with old colleagues, get to know new colleagues and use these connections to find international partners for our clients.

This year's event will be a mix of matchmaking meetings, networking activities and minor training and workshop segments.

The following topics has been chosen as focus areas for this years training and workshop segments:

  1. Newcomers training "light" focusing on intake assessment, action plans and impact assessments
  2. Cooperation with Clusters - How can we support our clusters and how do we work with ECCP, the new Eurocluster initiative and the new 14 industrial ecosystems
  3. EEN involvement and collaboration between EDIHs in the Vikingscountries   
  4. Smart Specialisation Strategies - How can we exploit our regional specialisation better via EEN -Including presentation of the Transnational Innovation Brokerage System TIBS

Of course there will also be lots of time for networking and catching up on the last 2 years of fragmented worklife. 

Welcome to Aalborg!

Closed since 1 December 2021
Location Comwell White House Hotel
Organised by
Denmark 16
Latvia 4
Iceland 4
Lithuania 4
Estonia 2
Finland 1
Total 31